Tuesday, May 18, 2010

swim wit da fishes...

Sea Life
Let me take you on little trip under the sea where the sponges and coral are a playground for fishes. There's just a touch of sparkle on this one courtesy of LuminArte sparkling H2O colors.


Carol Blackburn said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Love the two little red ones lookin' at ya.......

Marlene said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

You really are trying to do at least one a day aren't you. Another great little work of art. I am inspired and will go make a mess in my studio when I am done here.

Pam of Always Artistic said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

lol Love the title! I love the fish art you've been making!