Friday, June 26, 2009

Always Just one more thing...

Doesn't it seem like there's always just one more thing to do before the day is done?

Well, it was really a "long day" but obviously there was more to do.

Monday, June 15, 2009

DSFDF Week 37 & 38 Challenge - Summer Vegetables

What fun! In time for the picnic season, here's a little platter of lovely summer veggies.

Thanks to Karin Jurick and her Different Strokes Challenge. This is the most fun I've had painting an ACEO in quite awhile.

Look for it here.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


We've had a sunny spring and a wonderful thing is happening at my house. Most of my orchids have flower spikes. It's a big event- one hasn't bloomed in a couple years. I'm excited and hopeful that my yellow phaleanopsis will be one of them.

But is it enough?

Apparently NOT! These are pictures of my new baby. I loved the dark color with yellow green edge and spots. The back of the flower is pretty, too.

It gives me something to paint while I wait for the others to bud and flower.

Friday, June 12, 2009

It's SUNNY again!

...and I just Love it!

Open Up!

Yes, California poppies have crossed the border and grow in Oregon!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

What is this?

I took the picture and painted this flower but haven't a clue what it is. If you know, please leave a comment.

I'd be forever grateful.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Not sure what it is...

...but I loved how it looked. Another flowering tree but I never see any fruit.

It was just the perfect excuse to use opera.

Watercolors on Etsy