Tuesday, January 7, 2014

30 paintings in 30 days - Day Seven!

It was a day 
what could go wrong 
did so 
with gusto 

That little bug is there 
because a little luck 
would be swell! 

Leslie Saeta is hosting this challenge! 
Thank you ;)


Carol Blackburn said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Hi Lee, such pretty daisies. Oh how I long for Spring. I hope 2014 is very good to you. :)

Pam Hardy said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

So pretty!

Magic Love Crow said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Lee, I hope everything is alright? Sending you a lady bug my friend ;o) Love this little painting ;o)

Kathleen said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Ahhh - love the hint of spring! Beautiful!