Saturday, July 18, 2009

Bunches of 90 degree days...

We've had such a run of 90 degree days so "Hot Cha Cha" is what it feels like!

Here's a beach in gets to be 90 there every now and again, too. Notice there's nobody in the water. I gave it a try and found out why. Even when it was 90, the water was 50. That blue water matched my lips.Vacant Beach


Pam of Always Artistic said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh wow Lee, these are just beautiful.

Here in Alberta this week has been very hot, 31 degrees Celsius which is 87 Fahrenheit, which for us this is very hot. The hottest it ever gets is 40 Celsius which is 104 Fahrenheit.

I hope it cools down for you soon!