Monday, May 4, 2009

Too Much Farm Town...

I am so not a fan of routine games - you know, the sim type where you live a life with all the drudgery included but do it on the computer.

Why spend time doing virtual chores when there are real ones piling up?

So, I end up playing Farm Town on facebook. It reveals some OCD tendencies BUT I make virtual money. I am hooked and it obviously has had a bigger impact than I realized.

Not really, I have several old tools hanging around the house. This is a 10 x 14 watercolor version of 3 of them.

More Watercolors on Etsy


bubblemunch said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

This is fantastic - at first glance I really thought it was a photograph with the colours enhanced to show the shadows more prominently. Excellent work.

Theresa Taylor Bayer said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

They look so real! Beautiful color too.