Friday, September 18, 2009

Not a Clue

I found these seeds that said "Orange and Yellow Cosmos" and couldn't resist. I'd never seen anything but white and pink and fuschia cosmos. I've been waiting all summer to see a flower. I was sure it was a joke because the leaves looked more like marigolds than my cosmos.

The first flower was tiny and pale yellow and did appear to be a marigold but then this popped open.
I haven't a clue. What do you think?


Sara Mathewson said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

It's a different variety of marigold:)

Jan said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

We got some of those this past spring and I thought they'd packed marigolds by mistake! They sure were pretty though and such a variety of lemon to orange color! I saw the same thing the other day on the internet and it was called a coreopsis. Lady Bird Johnson would have called it a DYC - Damned Yellow Composite!

No matter what they're called, yours is very, very pretty!