Saturday, December 27, 2008

SEASHELLS Block all the Winter Weather!

Sand Dollar

Been house bound since the snowed here - big time.

Apparently snow removal equipment wasn't on anyone's list!

I don't really have anywhere I want to go but, it's darned annoying that I can't drive anywhere, yet.

Cockle Shell

I am so done with snow; I no longer miss wild blizzards and deep snow drifts.

I can't wait for the big melt revealing all the ferns and mosses that are hiding!

Maybe there'll even be a newt here soon for a visit...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to ALL!

Must have painted too many snowy Christmas cards...snowed in and house bound since the 19th.

Today, the weather is SNOWY!

Wishing you a wonder-full Christmas!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Itty Bitty Christmas

Everybody loves to decorate for the Holidays, even the tiny folks that dwell in doll houses.

These little paintings measure 3/4 x 1 inch and are framed in little gold resin frames. Created on Arches 140lb cotton watercolor paper with Daniel Smith and M Graham artist watercolors these little bits are actually bound for a miniature lover.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Watercolor Everywhere

We have a corner on birthdays from October thru January. I mean we have a large number of them to celebrate with family and friends during those months.

Since I believe there is room for watercolor everywhere, I paint a 5x7 greeting card for each one. I have a Grandson turning 8 very soon and this is his birthday card.
I only hope he recognizes the portrait.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


For a brief moment, I miss the wild snow storms and bitter winds of my childhood winters. Knee high boots weren't so much a fashion statement as a necessity. Walking through deep drifts of blown snow, hauling a toboggan up the best hill for sledding, having snowball fights, building snow/ice forts and refusing to go in the house until your hands and feet were numb.

It was a winter wonderful land.

I miss the feet of snow, the deep quiet that only happens in winter, the cold crisp air and how it feels to inhale. Where are the sounds of icicles dripping or crashing off the roof and the rush of bitter cold when you step into a slush puddle?

OK the moment is over.

I'm really alright with fog and rain and the ferns and mosses taking over everything that doesn't move.

What was I thinking?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

What did you get?

Today, being the Feast of St Nicholas, did you find oranges and chocolates? Did you find coal? It's a dead giveaway to whether Santa will be stopping by your place. Were you a good little girl or boy?

I've started decorating for the season and it's all Christmas at my house.

Candles in the windows is just the beginning of a ritual that extends from several days to a week. Bringing the decorations out a bit at a time gives the Grand kids an opportunity to look for something different each visit.

The older they get, the more they want to speed up the process. They even offer to help decorate the tree, NOW!

Can't blame them. I do remember how the days seemed to drag along endlessly while I eagerly awaited the arrival of the jolly gifter dressed in red. The stretch of time from December 6th til the 25th seemed interminable.

Now, it's such a brief period, I fear I won't be ready!

Growing up isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Little Bit


This is no Partridge but it fell out of a Pear tree.
A tiny watercolor painting 2 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches. Pop in a frame or place on an easel for a little bit of art anywhere.

An inexpensive little gift waiting for you here