Sunday, September 16, 2012


 Trick or Treat
not me 
way too spooky here
and I don't like that ax

neighborhood haunting :D

I'm getting used to the eyes that glow...

Trick or Treat 4
always wondered about 
Halloween at the Lighthouse
like that orange glow!

What's up with all those glowing eyes?

yes they filmed Halloween Town right here
and this is town square
well...I had to add the cemetery 
for ambiance

BLAH! He vants to drink your blood! 
Relax - he casts a shadow 
no threat here!

I like Halloween
(can you tell?)
love to see the kiddos 
and see what the popular costume is

Nothing like a teenie weenie 
painting to mark the season


Carol Blackburn said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

All so wonderful in their own ways, Lee but the lighthouse is my fave. :)

Kathleen said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

haha - your little cities are sooooo cute!