Sunday, December 7, 2008


For a brief moment, I miss the wild snow storms and bitter winds of my childhood winters. Knee high boots weren't so much a fashion statement as a necessity. Walking through deep drifts of blown snow, hauling a toboggan up the best hill for sledding, having snowball fights, building snow/ice forts and refusing to go in the house until your hands and feet were numb.

It was a winter wonderful land.

I miss the feet of snow, the deep quiet that only happens in winter, the cold crisp air and how it feels to inhale. Where are the sounds of icicles dripping or crashing off the roof and the rush of bitter cold when you step into a slush puddle?

OK the moment is over.

I'm really alright with fog and rain and the ferns and mosses taking over everything that doesn't move.

What was I thinking?


Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Oh the snow scene you described makes me miss the big snow we had when I was young too, one year we were out of school nearly 5 weeks it was so bad!! I tell my kids that and they can't believe such a thing! The snow today is so beautiful! I put snow photos on my blog today. :)