Saturday, July 19, 2008

In Recovery !

Why is it that I need time to recover from "vacation"? Maybe it's all those domestic goddess responsibilities like restocking the larder, cooking, cleaning and making all the dirty clothes clean again after the unpacking that wipes me right out. Then there's the catch up game with all the mail, snail and electronic and dealing with a few surprises, too.

I am definitely in recovery from my "vacation".


RoseAnn Hayes said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Do you have vacation whiplash? It takes days, sometimes, to get your head back on straight, after a trip, doesn't it? I usually have to sit and vegetate for at least a day, with no noises...just a quiet recovery period.

Lee Pierce said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Yup! Vacation burn out is a reality!
I did a stupid thing and paid for it but the return home brought a few surprises, some very pleasant others...not so much.
The run on sentence really gives a sense of how I felt. Running from one thing to the next just trying to return to what goes for normal.